Fiduciary Appointment & Representative Services

Resident Agency Services

We aim to support our clients even in what appears to new the most mundane of tasks.  But a Resident Agent is ever important. A resident agent is a designated person or entity who receives legal and official documents on behalf of a business entity within a specific jurisdiction. That way you have a means to ensure you’re aware of any formal or legal threats against your company.

POA Services

Limited, we offer Power of Attorney Services as the powers granted allows someone to act on your behalf in legal and financial matters related to your business if you’re unable to or if you so choose, ensuring your wishes are carried out and assets and interests are protected per your specific instructions.

Pay Master Services

A paymaster plays a crucial role in ensuring timely and accurate payment processing in a business transaction. They act as a neutral third-party that handles payment disbursements, ensuring that funds are properly allocated to the right recipients. This helps to prevent payment errors, disputes, and fraud. The paymaster also ensures that all relevant tax and regulatory requirements are met, reducing the risk of penalties and legal issues. Overall, the paymaster helps to streamline the payment process, promoting transparency, accountability, and trust between parties involved in the transaction.

Employment Grievance Representative

Often times depending on the size of the company, it lacks unionization or there is an alternative grievance procedure in place to address challenges or contestation to personnel decisions affecting disciplinary actions, salaries, rights, benefits or entitlements of employees.

An employment grievance representative is a person who advocates for employees who are experiencing workplace conflicts or grievances. This representative may be a fellow employee, a union representative, or an outside third-party representative (if so permitted) who specializes is experienced in advocacy and  employment law.

The role of an employment grievance representative is to support the employee throughout the grievance process. This can include consulting employee handbook provisions, employment law and helping the employee to prepare their case, attending meetings with management, and representing the employee during any internal and formal or informal  proceedings is so permitted.

Some of the common types of employment grievances that an employment grievance representative may assist with include:
  •     Bullying and harassment
  •     Discrimination
  •     Unfair dismissal or disciplinary action
  •     Breach of contract or employment rights
  •     Health and safety concerns
  •     Pay or benefit disputes

Having an employment grievance representative can be particularly helpful for employees who feel intimidated or overwhelmed by the grievance process, or who are concerned about possible retaliation from their employer. The representative can provide valuable guidance and support, helping the employee to navigate the process with greater confidence and ease.

Executive Administrative Support

Chief Legal Consultant (CFC)

A Chief Legal Consultant is generally a part-time person who regarded as a senior executive who is responsible for screening, overseeing and managing the legal affairs of a company or organization. The CLC typically reports directly to the CEO or Board of Directors and serves as the top legal consultant to the company.

The role of a CLC may include a range of responsibilities such as ensuring the organization’s operations comply with relevant laws and regulations, and that legal risks are identified and managed effectively. Chief Legal Consultants may also manage the organization’s legal team and liaise with external legal counsel identified as General Counsel whom handles all aspects of litigation on behalf of the company. The CLC must possess a thorough understanding of the legal landscape relevant to the organization’s industry and needs and  have strong communication, negotiation, and problem-solving skills. Ultimately, their role is to help the organization make informed decisions that protect its legal interests and minimize legal exposure.