Confidential Investigatory Assessments

Risk Management & Liability Assessments

Not quite sure were your risks are, where you stand and what exposures could be around the corner? We research your company and industry to identify the requisite statutory and regulatory mandates. We confidentially observe internally your operations and overall performance and rate you based upon the key critical areas of operations to include financial solvency, best practices, work space risks and potential defects and dangers and employee integrity checks.

Workplace Policies and Practice Complaint Assessment

Often businesses have none or old and archaic policies and practice manuals (employee handbooks) that are absent of means to address internal grievances or they don’t comport constitutionally or inconsistent with regulatory and governing bodies, laws and statutes.  Let us help you take the guess work out of it and create a safer and better protected workplace environment.

Sensitive Material & Information Breach Investigations

We rely on our investigatory experience and law enforcement experience to help identify and secure breaches of sensitive information, materials and suspected improper or illegal activities placing your company at risk.  Allow us to confidentially and professionally secure your concerns.

Conflict Identification & Risk Reduction

Management, employees or vendors complained that your operations or personnel are cutting corners, we can assist you with discreetly investigating the complaints, vetting the source and viability and recommending corrective and swift measures to cure those troubled areas of concern.