Business Formation & Best Practices

Organizing and Forming Your Legal Entity

We help you decide what is the best entity to create based upon your specific needs and goals.:

Forming a corporation involves creating a separate legal entity that is owned by shareholders, who elect a board of directors to manage the business. Corporations offer limited liability protection to shareholders, which means their personal assets are generally protected from the company’s debts and legal liabilities.

An LLC (limited liability company) is a hybrid business structure that combines the liability protection of a corporation with the simplicity and flexibility of a partnership. LLCs do not have shareholders or a board of directors, but instead have one or more members who manage the business.

Partnerships involve two or more individuals or entities sharing ownership and management of a business. There are two types of partnerships: general partnerships, in which each partner is personally liable for the business’s debts and obligations, and limited partnerships, in which some partners have limited liability.

Sole proprietorship is a business structure in which a single individual owns and operates the business. The owner is personally liable for all the business’s debts and legal obligations. Sole proprietorship is the simplest business structure, with low startup costs and minimal regulatory requirements.

Drafting and Filing

business entity formation can be daunting and intimidating to the lay person.  But with our expertise, we simplify and make that process as seamless as possible while educating you on the how, what and why.

Contract Review & Drafting

A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties, outlining the terms and conditions of their agreement. So you know, contracts are important because they establish the rights and obligations of the parties involved, and provide a means of recourse if those obligations are not fulfilled. Our goal is to ensure your best interest are covered.

Management & Operation Agreements

We specifically help each business client create a set of ground rules to define how they will operate and ultimate perform.  Therefore these agreements are important as they outline the responsibilities and expectations of all parties involved in a business or project, ensure clarity in decision-making, reduce potential conflicts, and provide a framework for efficient and effective management.

Organizational Structure

Why have an org chart? An organization chart visually represents the structure of an organization, showing the hierarchy of roles and the relationships between them. It helps to clarify lines of authority and communication, facilitate decision-making, and identify areas for improvement.

Mediation & Arbitration

Mediation and arbitration are alternative methods of dispute resolution that offer numerous benefits, such as:

  1. Cost-effective: They are often cheaper than litigation and require less time and resources.

  2. Confidential: Mediation and arbitration proceedings are typically confidential, allowing parties to maintain their privacy.

  3. Flexible: Parties have more control over the process and can tailor it to their specific needs.

  4. Speedy: They are often faster than traditional litigation, allowing parties to resolve their disputes more quickly.

  5. Non-adversarial: Unlike litigation, they encourage parties to work together to find a mutually acceptable solution.

  6. Expertise: Arbitrators and mediators are often experts in their fields, providing parties with a more specialized resolution process.

  7. Preserves relationships: They can help parties to maintain relationships and avoid the bitterness that often accompanies litigation.

Overall, mediation and arbitration offer a more efficient and less confrontational approach to resolving disputes than traditional litigation.

Ethical Marketing & Branding

Ethical marketing and branding involves promoting products or services while adhering to principles of honesty, transparency, and social responsibility. It requires avoiding deceptive or manipulative tactics and ensuring that all claims made are truthful and backed by evidence, with consideration for the impact on society and the environment.

Overall, ethical marketing and branding are important for building trust and credibility with customers and creating long-term relationships based on mutual respect and shared values.