About Us

If you want to learn more about us, you’re in the right place. Read to learn how we managed to grow our business so fast.

Legal Consultancy Since 1998

Having provided quality legal consultation since 1998 and having serviced hundreds of satisfied and returning customers, we are continually growing and expanding our services as the world and your legal needs are ever changing.

Mission Statement

Committed to providing exceptional quality legal consultation while upholding the highest standard of professionalism, we aim to provide an individualized strategy to meet your legal needs ethically and responsibly.

Core Values

3 E's
We believe in a client-centered approach by ensuring that during and after your experience at Nodreven, your vision, concerns and ideas are fully explored and that you have been Educated, Enlightened and Empowered.

Our History

We bring over 30 years of combined experiences ranging from business law, criminal law, contract law, education law, mediation and alternative dispute methodologies with proven trial and successful litigation experience in both state and federal courts. We have prior law enforcement and investigatory experience; and, varied private and public executive level management experience addressing best practices, statutory and regulatory compliance and optimal organization performance.  The culmination of these experiences and developed relationships with subject matter experts over the years affords you confidence in knowing you will receive professional, confidential and outstanding consultation.


Industries We Service



Our domestic consulting services offer experienced and expert consultation to educate individuals on the applicable law(s) in simplified and layman’s terms as applied to their legal questions, issues, and challenges; thereby placing them in the best position to make informed decisions and navigate the intricacies of the legal system with a better understanding to help themselves and, if need be, to help the lawyer of their choosing assist in their representation of the customer.



We know that law firms often need a second set of eyes, the chance to come up with new ideas, and a neutral party to look at the chances of success and come up with good trial strategies from the beginning to the end of the case. We assist with legal research, witness interviews, trial strategy, (limited) mock trial problem challenges, jury selection, and preemptive challenges. We do some of the heavy labor so the legal firm can focus on litigation and trial representation for its clients.



While the government in many instances has internal mechanisms to address regulatory and best practices issues generally surrounding breakdowns in communication, misinterpretations of required operational rules and guidance, it sometimes can be inflexible and biased in application, thereby precluding the value of mediation and arbitradiation. Our experienced services of legal consultation and investigation and research of the given topic(s) and subject matter(s) at issue, can streamline the viability of adverse actions or protracted inactions to promote peak and efficient resolution while reducing productivity disruption.



Often times, even with the best of intentions to predict foreseeability of potential issues surrounding conflicts, mismanagement, employer/employee relations and violations, best practices, policy and practice irregularities, structure and internal discord and mandated statutory and regulatory compliance; our consultation for compliance related issues as well as offering internal audits and performance analysis helps eliminate avoidable liabilities and increase productivity and promoting best practices within.



Recognizing the nuances often associated with combined stakeholders coming together in Joint Venture Projects and the difficulties that can arise from time to time in real estate development projects, our consultants will leverage their varied capacity experiences ranging from contract development, site management, project oversight, mediation, and arbitration to effectively afford a smooth and as seamless as possible process.

Schedule your Legal Consultation. We will be glad to assist you.